Friday 17 December 2010

A week

Well Ive not posted for a week. What a shit week. Since going to Boston i feel really run down and not very good.
Im seriously tired, not sleeping well, the usual waking up and struggling to go back to sleep. Thoughts take over.
I feel rough, sick mainly but headache and stiff ect.
Have no motivation to do anything, have got up and gone for a run once this week, no gym, not much course work....i just feel like running away, if i had the energy.
Feel extremely sad about things, especilally Freds sister Rosie who is so poorly at the moment and is maybe only going to see Christmas. She's only 7 and such a lovely natured thing, it just seems so unfair. Im crying all the time about it. Worried what shes feeling, what her family are going through, it just hurts. My friends dog has now got a tumor which needs difficult surgery so thats another worry, I worry about fred getting it....All thesethoughts wont stop, just like before when i got muddled up in it all.
On top of that, My Uncle is in hospital which concerns me a great deal. He's in his seventiesbut in my mind he's the big strong 50 yearold from my childhood......I see everthing changing and getting older and it scares me so much. Its all going so fast I want it and my constant worries to stop

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