Decided to stay on half dose for a week rather than keep spiking my levels by taking a full one every 2 night so Im hoping its going to be managable.
Today I really felt the s.e.'s. Woke up at 5am but went straight back to sleep. When I did get up I was a bit jittery and fuzzy and banging head and nausea so I cancelled my run. My legs are hurting so much but I really think its the tablets. All the time Ive been on them, every so often I would go to bed and my legs would ache like I had the flu. Quite severe ache, and today has been similar, tendons and calves feel so stiff and inflexible which is why I cancelled run.
Then I decided just to give it a go, I knew it was going to be a short easy run. Turned out to be the best thing I could have done. The run its self went well, legs a bit stiff but not enough to matter. Jitters went away and I felt positive again.
Had worries about dad driving to Lincoln and the old thoughts that if I didn't take him something terrible would happen surfaced but the run and ignoring it really worked
Later went to spinning class with Trout. Not that keen on spinning but its good for fitness and will help with running. Felt crap before I went but even though it was challenging it was better than last week and im so glad to spend time with her as I really miss that.
Tonight was sad as it was the dude's birthday and I thought it was tomorrow so we didn't have a cake like we usually do. Few tears but thats ok.
Now on half dose for another 4 nights and then im undecided wether to stop or taper for another week. Will see how its going but at the mo Im positive I can do this
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