Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Its been so long since I last posted..3 months. Im only posting tday because Im feeling crappy.
The course is nearly at an end, on my last assignment, and the new course materials came today. Im feeling nervous about both, the ema because Im really enjoying it and want to get a really good mark. The new course because its not something Ive ever studied, Archaeology, and Im nervous. I dont want to start reading until Ive at least got a rough draft for this ema, and I seem to be stalling about sitting down and writing it in case I cant do it.

Im starting or should I say re starting Slimming World tomorrow night and given how Im feeling at the mo, its not going to be enjoyable.

Ive also got to take Mum and Dad to their friends on Friday as theyre going off on a Norwegian Cruise for 6 days. Im worried about getting panicky and risking letting them down. Thats a major issue for me, committing myself to something and then getting bad so I cant do it and letting everyone down.

Then Harry has booked next week off and I know he'll want to go places and to be honest Im dreading it, the state Im in. I dont feel that me being how I am is totally accepted by anyone. No one understands how terrible they are and how out of control they get. I just dont know how to deal with it all. I cant face days of feeling like this.

I have my first cbt session next week, am hoping it helps.

Need to go.